
LANCE & JOY was created in 2006 in Vancouver, British Columbia.Through conversations with moms of gifted children, our mission became clear: how can we help make life easier for new parents? Everybody thinks parenting is challenging and rewarding, but why can't it just be rewarding? Our core values are influenced by our West Coast roots: the highest quality materials, beautiful designs, and emphasis on environmental-friendliness. We strive to create the ultimate pairing of form and function and bring the L&J commitment to excellence to every facet of your baby's life. In this most pivotal, dynamic, and breathtaking of life stages, LANCE & JOY provides reliability and peace-of-mind, so you can put your efforts into enjoying and appreciating every amazing moment of your family's newest addition.LANCE & JOY品牌诞生在加拿大温哥华 – 一座注重环境保护、倡导简约生活、美丽宜居的现代都市。品牌最初的灵感来自于几个天才儿童班的妈妈们的闲聊和育儿交流中,她们的非凡见地和育儿心得让我们更加明白宝宝们和妈妈们的真正需要。 品牌的创立和设计秉承北美西海岸的基本生活理念:以健康和安全为第一准则;注重生态环境和谐;以简为优,注重细节;满足最基本的育儿需求,让妈妈方便、安心,宝宝舒服、开心。 品牌的定位:设计感、优质和小众,倡导简优育儿方式! 我们深知宝宝的诞生只是人生旅途的开始,你可以放心选用我们的产品,从而把更多的精力放在更重要的事情上:享受宝宝成长的每一天!【详情】

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